Sarcasm: the body's natural defense against STUPID.
You reserve the right to be stupid and I reserve the right to think so. And to blog about it...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Do's and Don'ts # Tres!

Well it's been a while since I've given society any advice.  I figured the world has probably fallen to bits without me.  So here goes the rescue mission.

# whatever... I don't remember where I left off....

Pardon me, sir gangster, but I believe your trousers are descending. 
If I wanted to see your underwear.. Well I'd never want to see them so you shouldn't be flashin' them.  And yes, it's true, I don't "have to look" but if you DON'T want people lookin, then what the heck is the point. I dunno I just thought that seemed a little strange...

# next.

If you're gonna talk crap about someone, at least do it right.  Don't look at people and talk about them and giggle AS THEY'RE LOOKING AT YOU, stupid.  I really don't know what else to add to that, it's just common sense.  I mean I'm not promoting gossip but it's possibly one of the most annoying freaking things ever when you look over at someone and they're staring at you, whispering and giggling.  You're like "Really? I can see you.  Why not just say it to my face?  Like I'm going to cry or something?...


Anywayyyyyy :)

# 1,021,232,123,212,321.0000000000009

Why judge?  Why hate?  Are you really that conceited that you think you're perfect?  I hate to break it to you sweetie but you're not God Almighty Himself, you're not an angel, and you're certainly not flawless. Everyone has their quirks, everyone has things that others don't like about them.  Everybody makes mistakes (everybody has those days), screws up, acts retarded, overreacts, etc.
We are all just people. Why hate on other people just because they have different quirks than you do?  How does that even make sense?  I'm not saying you have to like everything.  But I am saying that to treat someone poorly just because you don't care for some of their characteristics or lifestyle choices is not ok, does not make you any more cool, hipster, or likable.  In fact, it just makes you the kind of person that should be judged and hated on. 

# after the previous...

Ladies.... Please keep your boobs in your shirt...
I know that's a little blunt but honestly that's the best way to say it sometimes. Quit unwrappin the presents before it's Christmas!!!! (And lets face it.... sometimes the presents... well they're not that great....if you catch my drift...)  If you really need attention from guys that badly, at least find a guy who will give you the RIGHT kind... there are plenty of places to go where you don't have to put yourself under a microscope for people to stare at.  Any attention you get from looking like that isn't going to be the good kind....

Plus.... It might just be me... but I'm pretty sure no one wants to look at that... yuck....

Anyway... it's off to work for me!


Ta-ta younglings.

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