Alright kids. Apparently today's rant is on:
"how the availability of my shoes made from baby seals has dramatically decreased! my feet have never known so much comfort what will i do without them!" Courtesy of Derek.
Well. According to my class, the fact that I lived in Alaska for 15+ years automatically means that I am a baby seal killer.
Well if all Alaskans are baby seal killers then I'm afraid the seal population is severely screwed.
You see, seal skin boots are of immense value all over the world but mostly in Equador. And without the boots their economy would fall apart.
Well Equador has been stealing the boots, leaving fewer and fewer to distribute among American stores, and Colorado has been hit the hardest. Which explains Derek's lack of seal shoes.
Not to mention the fact that the seals are having issues reproducing fast enough to keep up with the hunting. There's a reason they're called seals, not rabbits! O.o
American's should start a petition to save the seals and bring them here. We need our boots! I mean seriously. We have such full lives of laying on the couch and it's impossible to successfully relax on the couch without seal shoes. What has this world come to....
And that, ladies and gents, (or.... critters)
Is my rant on:
"how the availability of my shoes made from baby seals has dramatically decreased! my feet have never know so much comfort what will i do without them!" Courtesy of Derek.
Jenna Marbles.... is now my inspiration in life. I was this close *holds up fingers barely apart* to showing some random old creepers THE FACE. They wouldn't stop staring at us!! I regret now, that we didn't use the face but I do plan on testing it's worth in the near future.
That is all.
Goodnight sillies.
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