Sarcasm: the body's natural defense against STUPID.
You reserve the right to be stupid and I reserve the right to think so. And to blog about it...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Do's and Don'ts of Public Behavior.

#1. I think one of my least favorite, most detested practices comes from the guys' side.  Guys, please. Do. Not. Arrange. Yourself. In. Public. 
Nobody wants to see you stickin your hand down your pants to arrange yourself.  That's what the bathroom is for. Or anywhere private for that matter... It's called common courtesy... There's no need to act like a caveman.

#2.  The tie for my most detested public practice is from the girls.  See? I'm not sexist. Ladies... (Especially older, cougar-like women,) please, please, please, spare the world from the scarring sight of seeing stuff your wad of cash in your bra and jiggle it around!! A. There are such things as wallets. B. Handing me soggy, wet, stench-ridden cash is NOT the way to make my day.  It's more likely on the right road to make sure I sabotage your hair products so they explode all over your face....Sick. You should run to the store to pick up some class, I guess you ran out.

#3.  This one goes to the youngin's (usually boys) that walk through the halls like they're as wide as the halls and pretending to have hit 5 feet tall.  You're a sevie. 1. you're about 3 1/2 feet tall and 2. You don't own the halls.  I'm sorry to shake things up but, news flash, other people go to school too.  And many of them are girls, whom you should be respecting.  But no.  Your idea is to smash into them or shove past them or speed up to just make it out the door before they do.  Rude.  You're lucky I don't just step on you or hipcheck you into the next millennium.  I'm twice your size, I could crush you like a bug. 

#4.  This one's directed to many people on multiple levels.  I'm pretty sure we were all taught not to chew with our mouths open.  I guess a few of us have forgotten that nice little tip.  Everyone has their own food to eat and no one enjoys losing their appetite due to getting grossed out by listening to your food and spit mushin around in your face.  Chomp chomp chomp, squish, mush, crunch, smack... none of these are soothing sounds to eat by.  Would you mind practicing some manners and maybe maturity?  What are we, five?

#5.  Common sense is...well, just that. Common sense.  What worries me is that common sense is becoming less common and is, instead, a rarity.  From personal experience, some people just couldn't take a hint if it walked up behind them and drop kicked them to China.  Honey, you need to wake up and realize you're not Baby Jesus, you're not an angel, and you're not perfect.  If you understand these basic concepts, I think a huge roadblock will be removed and you might come closer to catching on when someone isn't feeling your vibe.  (Just as an example... If someone ignores your every text, yes even the ones you send TWICE a day EVERY day, for 3 might mean they don't wanna talk to you.... just a thought.)

Welp that's about it for now, more will come later. :)

Ta-Ta For Now :)

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