Sarcasm: the body's natural defense against STUPID.
You reserve the right to be stupid and I reserve the right to think so. And to blog about it...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Haters will.... help?

I think we can all agree that haters are a pain in the butt and probably deserve to have a yardstick shoved where the sun don't shine.
But it's weird.  I'm not sure why but during my random wonderings of today, I came across a thought that was shocking to my senses.  Haters are actually good for something! Oh my lanta call the press.
There are some things in life for which you simply posses drive, passion, zeal, etc.  And that's great! Pursue them!  But sometimes even the things we love can seem droll, pointless, aggravating, like you've hit the wall, it's the end of the road. You know. But even with these feelings, sometimes it just takes one, mentally dense person to question this once-passion for the intensity and love to instantly flare up again and motivate you to continue in pursuit of your dream.  And even while still clinging onto your love for said object, grumpy words of the Negative Nelly in your life just fire you up all the more. 
I never realized haters or pessimists actually could provide motivation and spirit to my goals.  But they have.  When anyone questions my passion and love for music, my plans to pursue it until there is nowhere farther to pursue it, I become fired up and protective; determined to prove them wrong; that I can do what I set out to do; that I can be good enough.
Anyway :)
I should be sleeping but I have important things to accomplish! Like reading my teen drama book. (I have a feeling she gets the prince in this one too ;) ) and I have ice cream that is in dire need of being devoured. So until whenever sillies! :)

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