Sarcasm: the body's natural defense against STUPID.
You reserve the right to be stupid and I reserve the right to think so. And to blog about it...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Polar Bears

Well I was completely unsure of what to blog on today so I requested the assistance of my bestbuddy Caleb. When he said to blog about polar bears my first thought was FACEPALM.
BUT then my mind started swimming with all of the wonderful things to rag on about polar bears.
Everyone thinks they're so cute and cuddly and adorable and we need to save them and bla bla BLA. Wellllllll let me explain some-ting to ju.
Polar bears are vicious. They are not the cute little fluffy things you imagine petting and riding on.  Or like that dumb movie The Compass or whatever. You don't ride them! They'll bite your face off the moment they can!
Out of all bears the polar bear is the most fierce and dangerous. 
And then there's all this crap about global warming killing polar bears ...
:'( boo hoo hoo.
If they're stupid enough to get stuck on a little ice cube instead of going inland with the rest of the ice, then it's lack of evolution that's killing them. IF global warming were even real... WHICH IT'S NOT.  If the earth is getting warmer someone needs to inform my toes because they're CONSTANTLY freezing. And try feeding the global warming crap to Alaskans. They'll laugh in your face before dumping you in the snow outside their window. Global warming my butt
But if its not global warming, PETA will think of some other cause for the "dissappearance" of polar bears... (whatever). 
You know what I think it is?
All the Coca-Cola they apparently drink/
That stuff can't possibly be good for animals can it??
I think we should steal it back.
Although.... just on the shot that MAYBE global warming is killing them and taking their homes... we really shouldn't be working so hard to stop it because when the ice melts, the bottles of deliciousness fall into the ocean and eventually make their way to the shores of Africa and refresh the poor orphans!
PETA's attempts at saving the polar bears and stopping global warming isn't for the bears! It's to save the Coca-Cola for themselves!! I knew I didn't like them...
We know where the bears are going...
PETA is secretly killing them for their Cola and eating them...
People for the Eating of Tasty Animals....
So true...

hm... who knew a rant about fuzzy fluffballs could unlock an international scheme!! :O

on a side note....
not that I'm bragging....

I'm sleepy... and I'm in the middle of a crisis...
There's nothin' like dealin' with creepers! woot.

Ta-ta sillies!

And thanks to Caleb for helping to uncover the Polar bear murder ring! Call the President!!!


  1. That was amazing :) I congratulate you on turning such a small topic into something legit! :)

  2. aahaa :) Whyy thank you! iii try :) haha
